Monday, March 26, 2012

Program to find roots of a quadratic equation

/*Program to find roots of a quadratic equation*/

void main()
                  int A,B,C;
                  float disc,deno,x1,x2;
                 printf("ENTER THE VALUES OF A,B,C \n");
                  disc = (B*B)-(4*A*C);
                  deno = 2*A;
                  if(disc > 0)
                                printf(" THE ROOTS ARE REAL ROOTS");
                                x1 = (-B/deno)+(sqrt(disc)/deno);
                                x2 = (-B/deno)-(sqrt(disc)/deno);
                                printf("\n THE ROOTS ARE: %f and %f ",x1,x2);
                  else if(disc == 0)
                                printf(" THE ROOTS ARE REPEATED ROOTS");
                                x1 = -B/deno;
                                printf("\n THE ROOTs ARE: %f and %f ",x1,x1);
                                printf(" THE ROOTS ARE IMAGINARY ROOTS");
                  /*End of program*/

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