Friday, November 2, 2012

General knowledge(Abbreviation)


AAFI-Amateur Atheletic federation of india
ABC-Audit Bureau Circulation
ABM-Anti Blastic Missile
ABVP-Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Prashid
AC-Alternative Current
AD-Anno Domini
ADB-Asian Development Bank
AIDS-Acquired Immune Deficiency System
AIIMS-All India Institute of Medical Science
AM-Amplitude Modulation
AP-Associated Press
ARC-Administrative Reforms Commision
ASI-Archaeological Survey of India
ASSOCHAM-Associated Chamber of  Commerce and Industry
ATM-Automated Teller Machine
AWACS-Airborne Warning and Control System


BA-Bachelor of Arts
BAMS-Bachelor of  Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
BARC-Bhaba Atomic Research Centre
BBC-British Broadcasting Corporation 
BC-Before Christ
BCCI-Board of Control for Cricket in India
BEL-Bhartiya Electronics Limited
BHEL-Bhartiya Heavy Electronic Limited
BIFR-Board for Indusrial and Financial Reconstruction
BIS-Bank of International Settlement
BSE-Bombay Stock Exchange
BSF-Border Security Force

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